Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Where are all the small businesses and microbusinesses?

I'll tell you where they are. They are too busy running their damn business to spend all day redirecting you from their Twitter feed.

Who am I looking for? I'm looking for hairstylists, plumbers, landscapers, owners of housekeeping companies, moving companies, roofing companies, and insurance agencies. I don't see too many of them posting on Twitter. They are busy generating revenues the old-fashioned way: answering the phone, greeting people, and learning how to ASK for business face-to-face.

These are the people I work with every day. Seriously, they do not have time to read the same formulaic bullshit that starts out:

"NINE TIPS for..." (and of course they promise you that your whole business will be revolutionized if you just sprinkle the fairy dust on your keyboard)

Running a small business/microbusiness is HARD WORK. There are no shortcuts. There are no easy tricks or quick fixes. When people act otherwise, it pisses me off.

Next post: Do you know what The Three M's are? I will be giving away half of what I learned in the MBA program in my next post.

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